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Office Hours : 8 AM - 2 PM



  1. Work in the best interest of the HEI.
  2. Work co-operatively with fellow members in carrying out their responsibilities.
  3. Act honestly and in good faith at all times in achieving institute’s intended outcomes.
  4. Maintain the confidentiality of information.


  1. Be responsible, as the principal academic and administrative officer of the HEI, to see that the provisions of Acts/ Statutes/ Ordinances and Regulations of the HEI are duly observed.
  2. Comply with laws, rules, and regulations of the government applicable to the HEI.
  3. Provide inspirational and motivational value-based academic and executive leadership to the HEI through policy formation, operational management, optimization of human resources and concern for environment and sustainability.
  4. Conduct with accountability, transparency, fairness, honesty, highest degree of ethics and decision making that is in the best interest of the HEI.
  5. Act as an agent of social change for national development and, therefore, strive for creating an environment conducive for teaching, learning, research and for development of the potential of the HEI to the maximum extent.
  6. Follow the objectives and policies of HEI and contribute constructively to their ongoing evaluation and reformulation.
  7. Maintain the confidentiality of the records and other sensitive matters.
  8. Endeavour to promote a work culture & ethics that brings about quality, professionalism, satisfaction & service to nation & society.
  9. Refrain from any misappropriation of financial and other resources.


  1. Act as a role model for students by displaying good conduct, set a standard of dress, speech and behaviour worthy of example to the students.
  2.  Act as friend, philosopher and guide of students.
  3. Help students in identifying their potential and support through counselling and mentoring.
  4. Create a conducive environment for teaching–learning process and strive for innovative practices and knowledge creation.
  5. Observe punctuality in teaching and other duties.
  6. Exhibit decent behaviour with all.
  7. Refrain from harassment of student in any form.
  8. Actively participate in institutional development.
  9. Refrain from any type of discrimination.
  10. Inculcate human values, scientific outlook and concern for the environment among students and others.
  11. Develop an understanding of our heritage.
  12. Encourage students to actively participate in scheme/ activities of national priorities.
  13. Cooperate with the university authorities for betterment of the university.

Non Teaching Staff

  1. Carry out official decisions and policies faithfully & impartially, seeking to attain highest possible standards of performances.
  2. Encourage the staff to maximise their efficiency.
  3. Create conditions that inspire teamwork.
  4. Act timely to readdress the genuine grievances.
  5. Maintain the confidentiality of the records and other sensitive matters.
  6. Care for the institute’s property.
  7. Facilitating congenial environment.
  8. Refrain from any form of discrimination.
  9. Not accept bribes or indulge in any corrupt practices


  1. Stay in an academic institution with the joyful learning experience.
  2. Remain punctual, disciplined and regular in attending classes.
  3. Observe modesty in their overall appearance and behavior.
  4. Behave with dignity and courtesy with teachers, staff and fellow students.
  5. Act as a role model for the junior students by attaining the highest level of values and morality.
  6. Maintain harmony among students belonging to different socio-economic status, community, caste, religion or region.
  7. Contribute towards cleanliness of the campus and surroundings.
  8. Respect and care for the institutional properties.
  9. Observe proper behavior while on outside activities (educational tour / visit or excursion).
  10. Be honest in providing only truthful information on all documents.
  11. Maintain the highest standards of academic integrity while presenting own academic work.
  12. Strive to keep campus ragging free.
  13. Be sensitive to gender issues.