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The Department of Economics on U. G. Level was Established in 2017. The department has been providing quality education of economics since the establishment. The faculty members, students, staff, alumni and friends of the Department of Economics are actively engaged in an enormous range of activities involving research, publishing, teaching, learning, and public outreach work. It organizes various students oriented programmers like test exam, student seminar, study tour, guest lectures, survey, field work and discuss current issue of economic scenario. So the graphs of economics department increase Day by Day in overall activities.


The department of Political Science established in the year 2017 right from the inception of the institution. The department has been running program of UG right from beginning. The department has been playing an importance role in developing political interest among the students. the department has organized various seminar and conference in the institution evoking innumerable well- known visitors in the field of academic and political area. The library of institution has good stuff of important books on the subject. The department also renders its service through teaching to the students who wish to appear for the competitive examination.