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College Research Committee

The College has constituted Research committee to monitor and address issues related to research. The committee has been established to motivate faculties to involve in research field and to encourage them for research work. The Research Committee is responsible for providing vision and leadership in relation to research and research oriented training.

• To develop research and scientific temper among students and staff.
• To motivate the students and faculties for research activities.
• To update the staff members about Symposia/Conference, Seminar and workshops.
• To encourage faculty to pursue Ph.D.
• To motivate students to take up Research based projects.
• To encourage students to take participation in Avishkar and scientific workshops.
• To involve all faculties in teaching process for new trends.
• To contribute research in the respective subject.

College Research Committee 2023-24

• Mr. D. H. Vaidya (Officiating Principal) – Chairman
• Mr. Pritam B. Meharkure – Convener
• Mr. Rakesh G. Borkar – Member
• Miss. Vishakha K. Tembhurne – Member
• Miss. Jyotsna N. Ramteke – Member

Cultural Committee

Main objective to form cultural committee is to bring out the talents of students by promoting and arranging extracurricular activities in the college. The Cultural Committee is responsible for all intra and inters collegiate cultural events in the College and to plan and schedule cultural events for the academic year. The Convener of the committee shall conduct a meeting of the committee on regular intervals to discuss and allot tasks. In the meeting they decide the date, time and agenda of the programs and inform members of staff and students about the events.

Cultural Committee arrange the venue and logistics for different cultural programmes and invite the Chief Guest and other guests of honor and also arrange mementos for guests and Trophies Medals and certificates for the participants. All schedules of cultural programme given in academic calendar of particular year. Cultural Committee is one of the crucial committees responsible for the improvement of personality during the students’ college life. Cultural committee of Y S Pawar college motivated students who believe that a college should have its equal share of fun and play along with the study. Cultural Committee is an attempt to capture the energetic personality of the students by offering them a platform to showcase their inner talents by organizing competitions like music, dance, acting, painting, writing, game and sport and photography.

Report 2018-19 View Document
Report 2019-20 View Document
Report 2020-21 View Document
Report 2021-22 View Document
Report 2022-23 View Document

• Mr. D. H. Vaidya (Officiating Principal) – Chairman
• Mr. Rakesh G. Borkar – Convener
• Miss. Ruchita S. Dange – Member
• Miss. Prerika R. Khandare – Member
• Parag R. Chaware – Member
• Sachin Ashok Sonule – Student Representative
• Ku. Manisha Gajanan Nakade – Student Representative

• Mr. D. H Vaidya (Officiatng Principal) – Chairman
• Miss. Jyotsna N. Ramteke – Convener
• Mr. Dikshant S. Ramteke – Member
• Mr. Nirmal K. Musale – Member
• Ku. Jayshree Anil Mundhare – Student Representative

• Mr. D. H. Vaidya (Officiating Principal) – Chairman
• Miss. Jyotsna N. Ramteke – Convener
• Miss. Prerika R. Khandare – Member
• Mr. Mangesh M. Shrirame – Member
• Mr. Gajanan Nakade (parents) – Member
• Mr. Jitendra Janbandhu ( Parents) – Member
• Mr. Vilas Shivarkar ( Parents) – Member
• Mr. Chindhuji Sherkure ( Parents) – Member
• Mr. kashinath Vairagade ( Parents) – Member
• Mr. Suresh Jambhule ( Parents) – Member

• Mr. D.H.Vaidya (Officiating Principal) – Chairman
• Mr. Dikshant S. Ramteke – Convener
• Mr. Parag R. Chaware – Member
• Prof. Mangesh M. Shrirame – Member

• Mr. D.H.Vaidya (Officiating Principal) – Chairman
• Prof.. Mangesh M. Shrirame – Convener
• Prof. Pritam B. Meharkure – Member
• Prof. Vishakha K. Tembhurne – Member
• Prof. Rakesh G. Borkar – Member

Education Excursion & Tour Committee

Educational Excursion and Tours play an important role in imparting practical knowledge of any subject. The conceptual base of the subject is certainly developed through theoretical teaching, but when it is supplemented with real-life observations, it makes a life-time impact. Through educational tours, the students get an opportunity to learn through self-exposure to various events. The students come to know about various latest developments of the field and the students of commerce and humanities are also directly benefited by the field visits.

Inside the classroom, a student gets to know about new things, new ideas, and new concepts, while outside the classroom, a student explores and experiences. There are various benefits of educational tours. There are 5 benefits of Educational Excursion and Tours.

  • 1. Effective Learning: Practical application of ideas is the most effective tool for learning. an educational tour makes students to face real-life difficulties and finding the solutions. Coming up with solutions makes them innovative intellectuals. While learning is accompanied by fun, excitement, and enjoyment, it stops being burdensome and boring and students learn as a part of their natural growing up process.
  • 2. Exchange of Ideas: Educational tour offers the perfect informal setup for lively discussions. Group- discussion is also one of the most effective tools of education. Students can exchange their ideas via group discussions to not only amongst their friends, classmates and peers but also with new people.
  • 3. Personal Development: An educational tour away from the relief of school and home fosters liberation, leadership skills and communication skills. Students learn to break down the obstacles of language and learn how to interconnect across boundaries. The experience of travel makes them independent individuals and helps establish lifelong values and priorities.
  • 4. Heightens Perception: A tour to new places is not just a fun get-away. It is about discovering new environments and principles. One of the most important benefits is that it finely develops an understanding of various social aspects around the world. They become more empathetic and respectful towards other cultures as well as towards their own surroundings.
  • 5. Universal Networking: Interacting with locals and other students they develop amazing social skills and networks. University visits and school visits are particularly beneficial as students develop a family outside of their own comfort zone. They learn the norms of acceptable social behavior in different circumstances and learn to extend a hand of friendship to people from different culture, socio-economic backgrounds.

• Mr. D.H.Vaidya (Officiating Principal – Chairman
• Prof. Vishakha K. Tembhurne – Convener
• Mr. Dikshant S. Ramteke – Member
• Mr. Parag R. Chaware – Member
• Prof. Mangesh M. Shrirame – Member
• Mr. Ranjit C. Shrirame – Student Representative
• Ku. Puja Vinod Prawate – Student Representative

• Mr. D.H.Vaidya (Officiating Principal) – Chairman
• Prof. A. V. Pise – Convener
• Prof Miss. Vishaka K. Tembhurene – Member
• Prof. Mr. Pritam B. Meharkure – Member
• Prof. Mr. Mangesh M. Shrirame – Member
• Prof Mr.. Rakesh G. Borkar – Member

• Mr. D. H. Vaidya (Officiating Principal) – Chairman
• Mr. Dikshant S. Ramteke – Secretary
• Prof. Ms. V. K. Tembhurne – Member
• Prof. Mangesh M. Shrirame – Member
• Prof. Miss. Jyostana N. Ramteke – Member

• Mr. D.H.Vaidya (Officiating Principal) – Chairman

• Prof. Mangesh M. Shrirame – Convener
• Prof. Miss. J.N. Ramteke – Member
• Prof. Mr. Pritam B. Meharkure – Member
• Prof. Ms. Prerika R. Khandare – Member
• Miss Diksha S. Dhanore – Student Representative

Eco Club

The key object of forming the Eco Club was to preserve the natural resources and the natural environment to create Eco friendly environment and create awareness of biodiversity conservation and local environmental issues among students and to create a clean and green consciousness among students through various innovative approaches. Eco club plays an important role in creating environmental awareness amongst the future generation. The Main purpose of the Eco Club is to nurture and teach the importance of environment to students.

Objectives :
• To encourage the students to keep their surroundings green and clean by undertaking plantation.
• To promote culture of saving of water by curtailing the use of water.
• To maintain cleanliness in and around the campus.
• Organize seminars and special lectures on environmental issues in the institution.
• Campaign against banned plastic bags, use of loud speakers, banned fireworks, recycling of glass and metals, filling of water body in the adjacent area, etc,.
• Organize rallies, marches, human chains at public places with a view to spread environmental awareness.

• Mr. D.H. Vaidya (Officiating Principal – Chairman
• Prof. Rakesh G. Borkar – Convener
• Prof. Pritam B. Meharkure – Member
• Prof. Mangesh Madhav Shrirame – Member
• Prof. Ms. Vishakha K. Tembhurne – Member
• Prof. Ms. Jyostana N. Ramteke – Member
• Ku. Manisha G. Nakade – Student Representative

• Shri. Rajkam N. Chaware – Chairman, Upakar Sikshan Santha Nagpur Chairman
• Miss. Harshala Mushale – Member,  Upakar Sikshan Santha Nagpur Member
• Shri. Dipak Lanjewar -Nominated by Chairman Member
• Shri. Sandip Pise – Nominated by Chairman Member
• Ms- Nanda K. Shenmare – Nominated by Chairman Member
• Prof. Pritam B. Meharkue – Nominated by Chairman Member
• Prof. Mangesh M. Shrirame – Teacher’s Representative Member
• Prof. Rakesh G. Borkar – Teacher’s Representative Member
• Prof. Miss. Vishakha K. Tembhurne – Teacher’s Representative Member
• Shri . Dikshant S. Ramteke – Non-Teaching staff Representative Member